Parish picture small group at house


Biblical community is designed to facilitate learning the gospel, meeting needs as a family, knowing our mission to love the lost, and growing toward multiplication. (Acts 2:42-47) Because our relationships have been renewed by the gospel, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live as the Body of Christ. At C3, there are two primary ways to get plugged into meaningful, biblical community: Life Transformation Groups (LTGs) & Parishes.


LTGs are groups of 2-3 individuals (peer-to-peer) who meet for:

  1. prayer for the lost
  2. confession of sin & believing the good news
  3. scripture reading.

These groups meet weekly with the purpose of learning the gospel, meeting each other’s needs as a small family, loving their neighbor through prayer for the lost, and multiplying when there are more than 3 people in the LTG.

LTGs are great for people who aren’t able to meet during parish home group meetings during the week, for people who need a more flexible schedule, and for people who are eager for more peer-to-peer accountability and discipleship.

two men talking
Group at a home preparing a meal for each other


Parishes are groups of 7-12 people who meet weekly to discuss the truths of the gospel, pray, celebrate life events, and help each other through challenges. This is crucial for developing deeper Christ-centered relationships at C3. Parishes typically meet in the evenings in homes and may include the following:

  • Worship
  • Bible Study
  • Sharing needs (spiritual/physical)
  • Praying for one another
  • Celebrating together
  • Serving together
  • Encouraging one another
  • Sharing a meal together

If you are interested in checking out a Parish or LTG, let us know on a Connection Card, or stop by the
Connecting Table on a Sunday morning.

You can search for Parishes that meet at a time and place convenient for you on Church Center